HORN HEALTHCARE is - inter alia - specialized in the comprehensive support of M&A transactions in healthcare. We help investors, shareholders, entrepreneurs and corporations as well as Private-Equity-Funds on buy side and sell side transactions. Our clients benefit from our in-depth market and sector expertise as well as from a reliable network of functional specialists covering the entire healthcare environment. Acquisitions are an excellent opportunity for external growth. In close consultation with our clients we develop the most suitable acquisition strategy. Moreover, we help to enhance the positioning of our clients in the acquisition process. We offer various transaction services such as deal sourcing, performing due diligences, leading the transaction team to ensure a smooth interaction between all parties involved in the process, e.g. lawyers, tax consultants and accountants or providing you we knowledge as an industry expert. After a successful acquisition, we work to ensure a smooth integration process.


In markets like the healthcare market, buy and build activities enable firms to grow fast and to obtain a better positioning in a regional or even global competition. Thus, buy and build activities are also appealing to investors. We can find a suitable platform business and identify further suitable acquisition targets and deliver value in in all stages of a buy and build process.